Session 16 – Transport infrastructure management and Reliability
Dalibor Pešić, Bojana Todosijević and Filip Filipović, Risk exposure data – Possibilities for assessment of risk exposure for the Republic of Serbia / The importance of measuring risk exposure has been recognized by leading countries and key institutions, as well in the most important strategic documents, in the field of road safety. Although a high-quality […]

Session 15 – Pavement design
Sandro Colagrande, Danilo Ranalli and Marco Tallini – GPR investigation on damaged road pavements built in cut and fill sections / We present the GPR results dealing with flexible road pavements located on cut and fill sections. The aim is to evaluate the road damage (particularly the ramified cracks) taking into consideration also the cut […]

Session 14 – BIM and Infrastructure design
New methods and technologies are changing the sectors of engineering and constructions. The European Directive 2014/24/EU and its recent Italian transposition law DM 560/2017, encourage an extensive use of BIM-based practices in transport infrastructure design. BIM system (Building Information Modeling) rapresent an opportunity for project manager in digital processes for infrastructures. Francesco Abbondati, Salvatore Antonio […]

Session 13 – Urban Transport
This session is concentrated on urban transportation problems and it’s possible solutions. Many optimization and alternative models are proposed in order to fight congestion and unstustainable situations. It is chaired by Giuseppe Inturri. Stefano Carrese, Fabio D’Andreagiovanni, Tommaso Giacchetti, Antonella Nardin and Leonardo Zamberlan – An optimization model for renting public parking slots to carsharing […]

Session 12 – Sustainable Mobility Planning
In this session, chared by Vincenza Torrisi, many different solutions are presented in order to substitute the current situtation in the transportation. Many of them are based on sustainable alternatives as cycling and pedestrian mobility. Socrates Basbas, Tiziana Campisi, Antonino Canale, Andreas Nikiforiadis and Chiara Gruden – The slow mobility and safety assessment linked to […]

Session 11 – Transport Policy
In the second session about Transport Policy, chaired by Christopher Zergas, the discussion on the topic is continued. Again, there was an opportunity to present varios experiences from different countries. The emphasis was on the increase of the quality of service and sustainability of public transportation. Hannia Gonzalez-Urango, Michela Le Pira, Giuseppe Inturri, Matteo Ignaccolo […]

Session 10 – Transport Policy
Transportation policy and planning were the main issues discussed during the first session of the TiS Congress chaired by Cesar Quieroz (World Bank). The papers discussed during this session presented various experiences of Public Private Partnerships in different countries, including significant examples of infrastructure and transportation systems planning both in urban and in extra-urban contexts. […]

Opening Ceremony
The main object of the AIIT Congress TIS Rome 2019 is to promote the knowledge of the new trends of development of mobility systems and transport infrastructures worldwide. The Congress aims at providing a forum for discussion, interactions and exchange among researchers, scientists and engineers whose fields of interest concern transport and infrastructure engineering. The […]

Special Session WCTR SIG G3 (2) – Urban Transport Planning and Policy
This session tried to define the present state of art of urban transport planning through a panoramic view on methodology and approaches used in the studies for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (in France, Portugal, Northern Europe) and on sustainable misures implementation ( in the cities of Catania and Nottingham). Alexiel Dingli, Maria Attard, Dylan Seychelle […]

Special session WCTR SIG G3 (1) – Urban Transport Planning and Policy
Jacques Leonardi, Suzanne Maas and Maria Attard – Developing the first Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan in Valletta, Malta/ Combining forms of government intervention on technology, infrastructure, markets, behaviour, energy should lead to a sustainable urban logistic plan. In the recent years Valletta has seen a dramatic rise of demand for the delivery of goods within […]