AIIT 2nd International Congress on
Transport Infrastructure and Systems in a changing world

Towards a more sustainable, reliable and smarter mobility.

23rd - 24th September 2019


Early bird registration deadline: July 30th 2019

 OrdinaryAIIT ASSOCIATEYoung Attendees
(up to 25 and Students**)
Early Bird350 € *200 €200 €150 €
Late450 € *300 €250 €200 €

*Reduced fees for single attendees and members of the same organization, not presenting a paper, after the first one: 250 € (Early bird) – 350 € (Late)

**Copy of a document certifying the age of young attendees must be sent to

Note for Author(s)

1) The conference has the policy of only one presentation per speaker and a unique registration in the conference is mandatory for the inclusion of each contribution in the program.

2) Only papers  presented during the conference will appear in Transportation Research Procedia

The corresponding paper ID(s) will be requested during the registration procedure. Papers without registered author(s) will be withdrawn from the program and the proceedings.


Registration for the Congress can be made by using the online registration service, clicking HERE

Payment methods:

  1. Paypal and Credit Card
    (Visa, AMEX or MasterCard are accepted. Credit cards are debited in EUR)
  1. Bank transfer
    ACCOUNT HOLDER: AIIT - Associazione Italiana per l'Ingegneria del Traffico e dei Trasporti
    ADDRESS: Via Solferino, 32 – 00185 Rome Italy
    FISCAL ID: 04175771007
    ACCOUNT NUMBER: 85066009 – Poste Italiane
    IBAN: IT63 N076 0103 2000 0008 5066 009
    REF: NAME SURNAME + TIS2019 Registration
    (replace NAME and SURNAME with your full name).

Please send the receipt of payment to the Congress Secretariat via  e-mail:

Payments via bank transfer can only be accepted upon receipt of proof of payment.



Author Registration fees are not refundable.

All other cancellations must be notified in writing to the Congress Secretariat.

In case of registrations cancelled more than 60 days before the event, the registration fee will be entirely refunded.

In case of registrations cancelled between 60 and 30 days before the event, the registration fees will be refunded by 50%.

Registrations cancelled later than 30 days before the event will not be eligible for a refund.