TIS ROMA 2019 – 03 Elen Twrdy

TIS ROMA 2019 – 02 Christopher Zegras

TIS ROMA 2019 – 01 Maurizio Tira

Sponsor Special Event – Bentley OpenCDE: the BIM platform for infrastructure asset management

Session 22 – Road Materials and Innovation
In this session, chaired by Nikiforos Stamatiadis, we have occassion to discuss various techniques and materials used in road construction. In the light of recent principals, particular attention is put to sostainability, quality improvement and safety. Ronald Roberts, Gaetano Di Mino and Laura Inzerillo – Developing a framework for using Structure from Motion techniques for […]

Session 21 – Vulnerable Road Users Safety
Keila Gonzalez-Gomez and Maria Castro- Analysis of sight distances at urban intersections. Vulnerable users’ approach / Roads elements are predominantly designed to safely accommodate motorized users. Urban roads and streets, unlike highways, contain very dissimilar users and might have higher points of conflict. Nowadays, due to the increasing use of vehicle sharing systems, personal transport […]

Session 20 – Road Safety Assessment and Measures
The argument are different about road safety assessment and measures, in this session a speakers from different countries did present more specific topics like stiffness of passengers cars and analysis on visibility from driver seat with chairperson Davide Lo Presti. Vasiliki Amprasi, Ioannis Politis, Andreas Nikiforiadis and Socrates Basbas- Comparing the microsimulated pedestrian level of […]

Session 19 – Road Safety Management
Matjaz Sraml, Tiziana Campisi, Giovanni Tesoriere, Antonino Canale and Chiara Gruden- The evaluation of the surrogate safety measures along a pedestrian confined ramps of an old bridge / Pedestrians walk daily to meet their basic needs. Therefore, over the years it has been attempted to make urban context more liveable, respecting the needs of weak […]

Session 18 – Road Safety Management
Dalibor Pešić and Andrijana Pešić – Monitoring of Road Safety Performance Indicators – current situation and trends in the Republic of Serbia / Republic of Serbia started to monitor road safety performance indicators (RSPIs) in 2013. After comprehensive study, Road Traffic Safety Agency and University of Belgrade – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering have […]

Session 17 – Traffic Management Models and Logistics
Anton Sysoev, Pavel Saraev, Alexander Galkin and Semen Blyumin – Mathematical Remodeling Concept in Simulation of Complicated Variable Structure Transportation Systems / Mathematical remodeling is aimed at transforming mathematical or simulation models of one or different classes (or subsystems which form a studied system) into a model of one predefined unified class. Depending on the […]