Bentley workshop on OpenCDE: the BIM platform for infrastructure asset management
The Congress Organizing Committee is pleased to inform delegates that our sponsor Bentley will held a workshop entitled: “OpenCDE: the BIM platform for infrastructure asset management” The workshop will take place on the 24th September at 11:30 in the Hall 4 of the congress venue.
We are pleased to inform you that the Twitter channel for TIS ROMA 2019 is live. Please check it HERE Tweets by TIS_2019
Tour of ACI – SARA Vallelunga Safe Driving Centre
When: September 25th 2019 Where: ACI – SARA Vallelunga Safe Driving Centre. ACI and AIIT are planning to organize a visit to ACI – SARA Vallelunga Safe Driving Centre to live the emotion of safe driving. ACI Vallelunga has set up a network of highly technological safe driving centres, in which it organizes driving courses […]
Registration Form for TIS Rome 2019 now available
We are pleased to inform that Registration Form for the conference TIS Rome 2019 is now available. Please have a look at the REGISTRATION and FEE page for more information about fees and terms of payment. To directly access the form, click HERE
The proceedings of the past edition of the TIS Conference have been indexed in Scopus database
We are pleased to inform the authors that the proceedings of the past edition of the conference “Transport Infrastructure and Systems – Proceedings of the AIIT International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems, TIS 2017” published by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group) have been indexed in Scopus database.

Playlist TIS ROMA 2017 videos
On this page you will find all the videos of TIS CONGRESS 2017 of AIIT, realized by staff . TIS ROMA 2017 / 00 FINAL CLIP TIS ROMA 2017 / 01 Enrico Stefàno, President of III Mobility Commission TIS ROMA 2017 / 02 Ennio Cascetta, Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport TIS […]

Michael T. Long Awards 2017
The winner of the Michael T. Long Awards 2017 are: Best presentation Sara Oliveira, Luís Vasconcelos and Ana Bastos Silva, Automatic calibration of microscopic simulation models for the analysis of urban intersections Best impact research Federico Autelitano, Erika Garilli and Felice Giuliani, Road route planning for transporting wind turbines in Europe Best innovative idea Edoardo […]

Session 21 – I-BIM Infrastructure Building Information Modeling
The Building Information Modeling applied to infrastructures represents the undiscussed new frontier for infrastructure design. The 21st session of the TIS congress was entirely dedicated to the application of the most innovative design methods, focusing on significant projects and experiences as the Doha Metro, airport and railway design applications. Gaetano Bosurgi, Orazio Pellegrino and Giuseppe […]

Session 20 – Road data Monitoring
An overview of the most innovative road data monitoring systems was offered during this 20th session of the TIS Congress. Various experiences form all over the world were presented and discussed during the session chaired by professor Francesca Russo from the Naples University. The most innovative models for monitoring and planning the use of road […]

Session 19 – Human Factors and Driving Behavior
The 19th session addressed the issue of the complexity of the research about the human factors and the driver behavior. In particular, the multiple factors which reciprocally interact while driving were focused: internal factors (psychological traits and physical conditions to mention the main categories), and external factors (external environment, internal and external car devices) ecc. […]