AIIT 3rd International Conference

New scenarios for Transport Infrastructure and Systems

Transition to Inclusivity, Resilience and Sustainability

15th – 16th September 2022, ROME (ITALY)

Please complete the form below to register. Your registration will only be confirmed when payment is received and processed by the Conference Secretariat.

* Denotes required field.

Registration Options

All the fees include lunches, coffee breaks, social activities and VAT.

(i) Students and young attendees - under 25 years. Copy of a document certifying the age of young attendees and student condition must be sent to

Personal Data

If applicable - University / Company / Institute, etc.

Invoice Data

If different from Personal Data

If applicable - University / Company / Institute
If applicable

Payment Details



Bank Transfer

Account Holder: AIIT - Associazione Italiana per l'Ingegneria del Traffico e dei Trasporti
ADDRESS: Via Solferino, 32 – 00185 Rome Italy
FISCAL ID: 04175771007
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 003154 - Banco BPM S.p.A
IBAN: IT78Z0503416903000000003154
REF: NAME SURNAME + TIS2022 Registration
(replace NAME and SURNAME with your full name).

Please send the receipt of payment to the Congress Secretariat via e-mail:
Payments via Bank Transfer can only be accepted upon receipt of proof of payment.

All payments must be made in Euro (€)

Only digital versions of invoices will be sent to participants. The invoice will be issued using the data provided us with the correct information.