AIIT 3rd International Conference

New scenarios for Transport Infrastructure and Systems

Transition to Inclusivity, Resilience and Sustainability

15th – 16th September 2022, ROME (ITALY)


AIIT National President and Conference Coordinator

About the Conference

The objective of the AIIT International Conference TIS Rome 2022 is to promote the knowledge of the new trends of development of mobility systems and transport infrastructures. The Congress aims at providing a forum for discussion, interactions and exchange among researchers, scientists and engineers whose fields of interest concern transport and infrastructure engineering. The congress is organized by the Italian Association for Traffic and Transport Engineering AIIT founded in 1957.

The meeting program will cover all transportation modes, with more than 100 presentations in sessions and workshops, addressing topics of interest to policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions.

The complete TIS international Congress program will be posted to the Congress website – – in July-August 2019. The congress will host participants from more than 50 countries worldwide, with more than 100 scientific papers. TIS Rome 2019 proceedings will be published in Transportation Research Procedia (Elsevier), indexed in Scopus. A special issue of the Journal “European Transport” ( with a selection of the best papers is planned.



Congress Topics

Papers presenting contemporary research about different transportation modes including air, road, railway, logistics, urban mobility, maritime and inland waterways, are welcome. The congress program will cover – but not exclusively - the areas reported below.

Transport Infrastructure

Road Design
Road Safety Planning and Interventions
Road Safety Management
Sustainable Road Construction Practices
Road Asset Management
Innovation in Pavement Design and Asphalt Materials
Railway Design and Maintenance
Sustainable Practices in Railway Construction
Tunnels and underground structures
I-BIM, Infrastructure Building Information Modelling
Airport infrastructures and facilities
Port infrastructures and operations

Transport Systems

Transportation Policy and Sustainability
Transportation and Traffic Management
Sustainable Mobility Planning and Traffc Models
Decision support analysis
Urban Transport
Driving Behaviour and Human Factors
Smart and sharing mobility
Road Traffic Data Monitoring and ITS
Multimodal transportation and sharing mobility
City logistics
Autonomous vehicles and ADAS
Rail transportation systems
Air transport planning and management
Maritime Transport and port-city interactions