AIIT 3rd International Conference

New scenarios for Transport Infrastructure and Systems

Transition to Inclusivity, Resilience and Sustainability

15th – 16th September 2022, ROME (ITALY)


TIS conference proceedings and Special Issue published and Indexed

Posted: 28 Maggio 2023 alle 11:58   /   NEWS, TIS 2022

We are glad to inform that our conference proceedings and Special Issue have been published and Indexed on Scopus database: – Volume 69 of “Transportation Research Procedia”: – Volume 90 of “European Transport/Trasporti Europei”: – Volume 91 of “European Transport/Trasporti Europei”:

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TIS Roma 2022 – Final video

Posted: 10 Novembre 2022 alle 12:39   /   NEWS
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TIS Roma 2022 – Angelo Sticchi Damiani

Posted: 10 Novembre 2022 alle 12:37   /   NEWS
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TIS Roma 2022 – Maria Attard

Posted: 10 Novembre 2022 alle 12:36   /   NEWS
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TIS Roma 2022 – Rik Nuyttens

Posted: 10 Novembre 2022 alle 12:34   /   NEWS
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TIS Roma 2022 – Olja Cokorilo

Posted: 10 Novembre 2022 alle 12:30   /   NEWS
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TIS Roma 2022 – Michela Le Pira

Posted: 10 Novembre 2022 alle 12:29   /   NEWS
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TIS Roma 2022 – Giuseppe Cantisani

Posted: 10 Novembre 2022 alle 12:21   /   NEWS
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TIS Roma 2022 – Stefano Zampino

Posted: 10 Novembre 2022 alle 12:19   /   NEWS
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TIS Roma 2022 – Graham Parkhurst

Posted: 10 Novembre 2022 alle 12:14   /   NEWS


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