AIIT 3rd International Conference

New scenarios for Transport Infrastructure and Systems

Transition to Inclusivity, Resilience and Sustainability

15th – 16th September 2022, ROME (ITALY)

TIS 2017

Playlist TIS ROMA 2017 videos

Posted: 6 Luglio 2017 alle 19:19   /   TIS 2017

On this page you will find all the videos of TIS CONGRESS 2017 of AIIT, realized by staff . TIS ROMA 2017 / 00 FINAL CLIP   TIS ROMA 2017 / 01 Enrico Stefàno, President of III Mobility Commission   TIS ROMA 2017 / 02 Ennio Cascetta, Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport   TIS […]

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Michael T. Long Awards 2017

Posted: 12 Aprile 2017 alle 15:35   /   TIS 2017

The winner of the Michael T. Long Awards 2017 are: Best presentation Sara Oliveira, Luís Vasconcelos and Ana Bastos Silva, Automatic calibration of microscopic simulation models for the analysis of urban intersections Best impact research Federico Autelitano, Erika Garilli and Felice Giuliani, Road route planning for transporting wind turbines in Europe Best innovative idea Edoardo […]

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Session 21 – I-BIM Infrastructure Building Information Modeling

Posted: 12 Aprile 2017 alle 13:09   /   TIS 2017

The Building Information Modeling applied to infrastructures represents the undiscussed new frontier for infrastructure design. The 21st session of the TIS congress was entirely dedicated to the application of the most innovative design methods, focusing on significant projects and experiences as the Doha Metro, airport and railway design applications. Gaetano Bosurgi, Orazio Pellegrino and Giuseppe […]

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Session 20 – Road data Monitoring

Posted: 12 Aprile 2017 alle 12:58   /   TIS 2017

An overview of the most innovative road data monitoring systems was offered during this 20th session of the TIS Congress. Various experiences form all over the world were presented and discussed during the session chaired by professor Francesca Russo from the Naples University. The most innovative models for monitoring and planning the use of road […]

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Session 19 – Human Factors and Driving Behavior

Posted: 12 Aprile 2017 alle 12:36   /   TIS 2017

The 19th session addressed the issue of the complexity of the research about the human factors and the driver behavior. In particular, the multiple factors which reciprocally interact while driving were focused: internal factors (psychological traits and physical conditions to mention the main categories), and external factors (external environment, internal and external car devices) ecc. […]

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Session 18 – Asphalt Materials and Innovation

Posted: 11 Aprile 2017 alle 17:25   /   TIS 2017

The issue of modern technologies applied to pavement construction was addressed during this session, chaired by professor Marco Pasetto. The effects of the use of polymeric materials, as well as the effects of the addition of minerals, were discussed, presenting the most recent results of scientific laboratories of various Universities   Salah Zoorob, Cesare Sangiorgi […]

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Session 17 – Pavement Design

Posted: 11 Aprile 2017 alle 17:24   /   TIS 2017

Professor Ezio Santagata chaired the 17th session of the TIS Congress. The most innovative and low-impact technologies for road pavement construction were presented during this session. The pavement design applications presented were mostly focused on high performance products not only in the field of road construction but also in the field of pedestrian footpaths.   […]

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Session 16 – Road Performance Management

Posted: 11 Aprile 2017 alle 17:23   /   TIS 2017

Ugo Dibennardo, director of the maintenance area of the Italian Agency of Road (ANAS) chaired the 16th session of the TIS Congress, presenting innovative experiences and methods applied to the Road Asset Management and developed in Italy and in other countries. The session also focused the aspects of a more sustainable approach to road maintenance […]

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Session 15 – Maritime transport and hubs

Posted: 11 Aprile 2017 alle 17:02   /   TIS 2017

The future of maritime transport was the issue of this session of the TIS Congress which offered a complete overview of the future of maritime transport systems in the Mediterranean area. The problem of re-inventing the role of ports and hubs was deeply analyzed, presenting projects, solutions and experiences from different countries.   Maja Krcum […]

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Session 14 – Airport planning, design and management

Posted: 11 Aprile 2017 alle 16:57   /   TIS 2017

A very interesting session chaired by Olja Čokorilo discussed the problems of modern Airports design and maintenance. Moreover, the topics of Airport accessibility and of Airport operations impact of were presented during this 14th session.   Evandro José Da Silva and Nicolau D. F. Gualda – A computational model for aerodrome geometry analyses of conformity […]

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