TIS 2019
Opening Ceremony

The main object of the AIIT Congress TIS Rome 2019 is to promote the knowledge of the new trends of development of mobility systems and transport infrastructures worldwide. The Congress aims at providing a forum for discussion, interactions and exchange among researchers, scientists and engineers whose fields of interest concern transport and infrastructure engineering.
The cerimony was opened by Matteo Ignaccolo, the chairman of the conference an AIIT president. It that occasion he underlined that the main objective is goinng towards the sustainable transportation and traffic solutions. Many forms of sustainable solutions were mentioned as shared mobility, hybrid/elecric vehicles, driverless vehicles etc. It was proceeded with an opening lecture “Digitalization and the Future of Mobility”. The keynote speaker was Christoper Zegras, professor of Mobiliy and Urban Planning, MIT Boston (USA). The topic was later discussed by Maurizio Tira, SIU President and Rector of the University of Brescia. He underlined the problems of implementing these kind of technological innovations emphasizing that we need morereal time data like for example google maps real time data. According to him we shouldn’t trust solutions like driverless vehicles and we should rather turn towards integration of urban transport planning. Solutions are new behaviour, public poicies, constrains and no local political choices.
The meeting program did cover all transportation models with more than 100 presentations and different workshops, addressing topics of interest of policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers and representatives of government, industry and academic institutions.