TIS 2017
Session 20 – Road data Monitoring

An overview of the most innovative road data monitoring systems was offered during this 20th session of the TIS Congress. Various experiences form all over the world were presented and discussed during the session chaired by professor Francesca Russo from the Naples University. The most innovative models for monitoring and planning the use of road infrastructures in different contexts can represent an undiscussed way to improve the quality level of modern transportation systems.
Erika Garilli, Federico Autelitano, Felice Giuliani, Amela Guga and Giulio Maternini – A reading key of motorisation rate trend in Italy / In the 70s it was shown that the trend of the motorisation rate could be well represented by sigmoid functions. This study presented an analysis of the analytical expressions of the motorisation rate trend in Italy. In the current continental framework, Italy is one of the country with the greatest motorisation rate but also a country for which the interpretation of this simple statistical parameter necessarily requires a deepening. The motorisation rate is still well fitted by sigmoid function but with a gap between Northern and Southern Italy due to an infrastructure delay, highly noticeable in Southern Italy, but especially to a different management policy of the public transport and the related infrastructure investments.
Lucas Jardín, Carlos Loch and Vanesa Kolodziej – Analysis of the impact of road networks in urban distribution spatial through dynamic models and multipurpose cadastre / The objective of the work presented was oriented to determine the incidence of road networks in the evolution of the territory over time, supported in the multipurpose cadaste, which provides information from urban infrastructure close to roads, the factors that show urban dynamics such as the study of infrastructure networks, serving functionality city. The study was developed in Joinville city, State of Santa Catarina, located in the south of Brazil. The integration of dynamic models and geo-technologies are the basis to originate simulations and generate representations of spatiotemporal processes that demonstrate the densification suffered in proximity to most important roads.The generated information – cartographic and numeric – proves the powerful ability of dynamic modelling tools to obtain a coherent interpretation of the city and predict possible scenarios of the relationship between road networks and their environment.
Song Zeng and Huaikun Xiang – Research on the Method of Multi-resource Traffic Data Fusion for the Calculation of Urban Road Traffic Operation Index / At present, the computation of the urban road traffic operation index in China is mainly based on the GPS data of floating cars. This road traffic operation index based on the GPS data only of the floating cars is not sufficiently accurate, which inevitably influences the validity and authority of the index. In the presented work, a segment of an urban expressway equipped with the geomagnetic detectors and the floating cars in Shenzhen is selected as the scenario for the data collection. Three data fusion methods are proposed, respectively based on the confidence in traffic sensors’ property, the artificial neural network and the least squared nonlinear support vector machine (abbreviated as LS-SVM). The method based on confidence is simple and straightforward and its computing speed is very fast, but the confidence level of the traffic sensor is required according to its operating performance. The accuracy and reliability of the method based on the artificial neural network relies on the structure and the size of the training sample for the neural network. The method based on LS-SVM shows the best data fusion accuracy.
Cristiana Piccioni, Marco Valtorta and Antonio Musso – On-street parking management: bridging the gap between theory and practice / Cities have to cope with high rates of parking demand but the on-street parking provision appears very often inadequate. Many studies and researches have developed different parking management approaches, over the last decades, in order to meet the changing dynamics affecting urban mobility. However, possible links between such parking systems and contexts within which they work are generally not investigated. The paper summarized the findings of a study aimed at exploring, from a quantitative viewpoint, the gap between theory and practice also showing that, at practical level too, there is not yet a common understanding in selecting specific parking measures.
Hai Yan, Mowen Ran and Mengtian Li – A Study on the influence of parking policy mix on travel model choice behavior within the scope of heterogeneous travel purposes / Parking policies have significant impacts to travel mode choice and traffic system operation. Due to heterogeneous travel purpose, people perceive the same parking policy mix with different extent. In order to understand the existing reason about different perception for the same policy, a multiple-factor behavior model has been developed, by considering the factors of parking price, public transit travel time, traffic conditions and parking supply. Three major findings obtained from the study presented are as following: travel mode choice has been significantly affected by dynamic traffic; parking price and bus travel time have important effects on the mode choice of commuting drivers; the non-commuting drivers are more sensitive to parking price than commuting drivers only when making mode choice.
Inbal Haas and Shlomo Bekhor – Multi-objective Network Design Problem considering system time minimization and road safety maximization / The transportation-related project selection problem is known in the literature as the Network Design Problem (NDP). In this work a model that focuses on two objectives was presented: minimizing the system time and maximizing the safety level. The developed model is based a heuristic for finding the system time of a combination of projects, and on an existing crash prediction model (CPM). Both the developed heuristic and the CPM are integrated into an optimization model for solving the NDP. The model developed in this paper relies on the bi-level formulation of the NDP. In order to solve the multi-objective optimization model formulated we use two different approaches: the constrained multi-objective optimization, and a variation of the Niched-Pareto Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II), used in MATLAB. The proposed model is applied for the Israel national network.
CHAIRMAN: Francesca Russo
The initial session program also included further presentations but for unpredictable reasons the speakers could not be present at the TIS congress.
Vladimír Adamec, Barbora Schullerova, Jiri Pospisil, Adam Babinec and David Herman – Using the System DataFromSky to Monitor Emissions from Traffic / The issue of the transport emissions and their impact on human health is becoming increasingly more actual. One of the possible approaches to solve this issue is using data obtained from the DataFromSky software for modeling of intensities and emission from traffic. This is the software tool that uses real traffic information about the monitored traffic area, such as the type of passing vehicles, their speed and acceleration profile. These data are obtained on the basis of the monitoring of the traffic area with the application of the drone technology or camera system. The software is then able to analyze the monitored area and the traffic intensity. Besides, obtained data is then possible to use for the modeling of the emission with a suitable software tool. The paper presenteted introduces one of the possible approaches in the assessing emissions from transport and subsequent application of these results to the transport management and planning.