TIS 2019
Special Session WCTR SIG G3 (2) – Urban Transport Planning and Policy

This session tried to define the present state of art of urban transport planning through a panoramic view on methodology and approaches used in the studies for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (in France, Portugal, Northern Europe) and on sustainable misures implementation ( in the cities of Catania and Nottingham).
Alexiel Dingli, Maria Attard, Dylan Seychelle and Mark Burgeja present a comparison among Vehicle Detection Techniques applied to low quality Camera Video Feeds in order to evaluate it for Transport Modelling. They presented an experimental application to a road section located on a Malta main street.
Elisabetta Venezia, for Odile Heddebaut and Elisabete Arsenio, presented a study made on several transport policies to define their impacts on sustainable mobility.
Giuseppe Inturri, Michela Le Pira, Nadia Giuffrida, Matteo Ignaccolo and Salvatore Caprì presented a spatial analysis of public transport quality that linked user satisfaction with accessibility measures conducted by University of Catania on its students, for which a free Public Transport initiative took place.
Christoffer Weckstrom and Milos N. Mladenovic compared 24 mid-sidzed Nordic Cities SUMP, evaluating the approach for their formulation and implementation. They generally find a common points of view, but also some differences exist.
Stephen G. Ison, Mstthew Frost, Simon Dale and Tim Gale showed how theory as the Theory of Change can be used in the evaluation of Transport Interventions. They Focused on the case study of the Warkplace Parking Levy of Nottingham.