Session 18 – Asphalt Materials and Innovation
The issue of modern technologies applied to pavement construction was addressed during this session, chaired by professor Marco Pasetto. The effects of the use of polymeric materials, as well as the effects of the addition of minerals, were discussed, presenting the most recent results of scientific laboratories of various Universities Salah Zoorob, Cesare Sangiorgi […]

Session 17 – Pavement Design
Professor Ezio Santagata chaired the 17th session of the TIS Congress. The most innovative and low-impact technologies for road pavement construction were presented during this session. The pavement design applications presented were mostly focused on high performance products not only in the field of road construction but also in the field of pedestrian footpaths. […]

Session 16 – Road Performance Management
Ugo Dibennardo, director of the maintenance area of the Italian Agency of Road (ANAS) chaired the 16th session of the TIS Congress, presenting innovative experiences and methods applied to the Road Asset Management and developed in Italy and in other countries. The session also focused the aspects of a more sustainable approach to road maintenance […]

Session 15 – Maritime transport and hubs
The future of maritime transport was the issue of this session of the TIS Congress which offered a complete overview of the future of maritime transport systems in the Mediterranean area. The problem of re-inventing the role of ports and hubs was deeply analyzed, presenting projects, solutions and experiences from different countries. Maja Krcum […]

Session 14 – Airport planning, design and management
A very interesting session chaired by Olja Čokorilo discussed the problems of modern Airports design and maintenance. Moreover, the topics of Airport accessibility and of Airport operations impact of were presented during this 14th session. Evandro José Da Silva and Nicolau D. F. Gualda – A computational model for aerodrome geometry analyses of conformity […]

Session 13 – Urban Transport
The problems of public transport systems were discussed during the session n. 13 of the Congress. During this session, chaired by Marco Medeghini, experiences of public transportation systems from various cities were presented (of particular interest, the experiences of Catania and Turin). The future of tramways was focused during an interesting speech by Giovanni Mantovani, […]

Session 12 – Sustainable Railway Construction Practices
The Sustainable Railway Construction Practices were focused during this session chaired by professor Agostino Cappelli from IUAV University of Venice. The session also focused on experiences of restoration and rehabilitation of old or abandoned railway lines whose relaunch can be a very propulsive solution in a new social perspective. Antonio Placido, Marco Marchesini and […]

Session 11 – Railway Maintenance
The problems of railway maintenance represent a very strategic topic, in the perspective of a more and more massive use of trains for people traveling along international high speed and high capacity railway corridors. But the problems of railway maintenance regard also the local connections. These topics were discussed during the 11th session of the […]

Session 10 – Railway Design
The new trends of railway design have been discussed during the 10th session of the TIS congress. The Chairman (Professor Malavasi) introduced studies from various authors, presenting recent experiences of railway transportation systems design and management. The problems of railway safety were also deeply investigated during the session. Alessandro Focaracci – Safety in the […]

Session 9 – Road Safety Management
Professor Raffaele Mauro, Italian Road Infrastructures Society (SIIV) President, chaired this 9th very interesting session about Road Safety Management. During this session the most advanced applications and experiences of RSM were presented. It is well known that the problem of road safety is particularly significant and new methods to reduce the costs of motorized mobility […]