Session 9 – Road Safety Management

Posted: 10 Aprile 2017 alle 19:40   /   TIS 2017

Professor Raffaele Mauro, Italian Road Infrastructures Society (SIIV) President, chaired this 9th very interesting session about Road Safety Management. During this session the most advanced applications and experiences of RSM were presented. It is well known that the problem of road safety is particularly significant and new methods to reduce the costs of motorized mobility […]

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Session 8 – Road Safety planning and interventions

Posted: 10 Aprile 2017 alle 19:37   /   TIS 2017

The importance of a road safety based approach for road networks development and maintenance has been discussed during this 8th session of the TIS Congress. The papers presented during this session focused on innovative experiences, with specific regard to pedestrian and cyclist safety. The session was chaired by Enrico Pagliari from ACI – Italy.   […]

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Session 7 – Road Geometric Design

Posted: 10 Aprile 2017 alle 19:32   /   TIS 2017

The most recent design models and international specifications were discussed during the 7th session entirely dedicated to Road design topics and chaired by professor Felice Giuliani former director of the AIIT Studies Centre and former president of the Italian SIIV association. The session focused on new design methodologies for road geometry and on recent intersection […]

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Session 6 – Traffic Management

Posted: 10 Aprile 2017 alle 19:24   /   TIS 2017

The new perspective of environmental and social sustainability were discussed and analyzed during this 6th session of the TIS Congress. Various studies and experiences were presented by the authors, with particular reference to speed and capacity management on highways and on urban and rural roads. The session was Chaired bay Ana Bastos Silva from the […]

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Session 5 – Mobility Planning and Traffic Models

Posted: 10 Aprile 2017 alle 19:23   /   TIS 2017

Professor Panagiotis Papaioannou chaired the 5th session of the TIS Congress, focusing the issue of mobility planning. The use of modern Information systems, allows the application of more and more sophisticated traffic models  which were presented and analyzed during a very thought-provoking session.   Andrea Marella, Implementing traffic simulation models with aerial traffic survey. – […]

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Session 4 – Transportation Management

Posted: 10 Aprile 2017 alle 19:22   /   TIS 2017

Various and interesting topics regarding new approaches to Transportation Systems were presented and discussed during the 4th session of the TIS Congress chaired by Nicolau Fares Gualta. In particular, the relevance of equity and connectivity, the aspects of social valuation were focused in a first part of the session, while the second part focused on […]

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Session 3 – Sustainable Road Construction Practices

Posted: 10 Aprile 2017 alle 19:21   /   TIS 2017

The third session of the TIS Congress, chaired by professor Francesco Canestrari,  focused the problem of road construction sustainability presenting recent studies about the progress in low-impact technologies with and in depth analysis about the re-use of materials in road pavement construction and maintenance.  A significant study about  the cutting-edge technologies for energy harvesting completed […]

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Session 2 – Sustainable Mobility Planning

Posted: 10 Aprile 2017 alle 19:18   /   TIS 2017

Nowadays sustainability is at the heart of transport strategies. How to improve transport sustainability was the main issue of the second session of the TIS International Congress. The session, chaired by professor Paolo Fadda, presented studies about the problems of energy consumption in modern transport system,  explored the new frontiers of car sharing policies, but also examined […]

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Session 1 – Transportation Policy and Sustainability

Posted: 10 Aprile 2017 alle 19:15   /   TIS 2017

Transportation policy and planning were the main issues discussed during the first session of the TiS Congress chaired by Cesar Quieroz (World Bank). The papers discussed during this session presented various experiences of Public Private Partnerships in different countries, including significant examples of infrastructure and transportation systems planning  both in urban and in extra-urban contexts. […]

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Note for Author(s)

Posted: 11 Novembre 2016 alle 15:54   /   TIS 2017

Note for Author(s) – Registration deadline for authors: November 15, 2016. Registration for the Congress can be made by using the online registration service at the following link:

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